SurFhead reconstructs photo-realistic head avatars and high-fidelity surface normals,
depth, and meshes from RGB videos alone. These avatars are represented through affine rigging of
2D surfel splats bound to a parametric morphable face model. SurFhead can fully control poses,
expressions, and viewpoints, enhancing both appearance and geometry.
Recent advancements in head avatar rendering using Gaussian primitives have achieved significantly high-fidelity results. Although precise head geometry is crucial for applications like mesh reconstruction and relighting, current methods struggle to capture intricate geometric details and render unseen poses due to their reliance on similarity transformations, which cannot handle stretch and shear transforms essential for detailed deformations of geometry. To address this, we propose SurFhead, a novel method that reconstructs riggable head geometry from RGB videos using 2D Gaussian surfels, which offer well-defined geometric properties, such as precise depth from fixed ray intersections and normals derived from their surface orientation, making them advantageous over 3D counterparts. SurFhead ensures high-fidelity rendering of both normals and images, even in extreme poses, by leveraging classical mesh-based deformation transfer and affine transformation interpolation. SurFhead introduces precise geometric deformation and blends surfels through polar decomposition of transformations, including those affecting normals. Our key contribution lies in bridging classical graphics techniques, such as mesh-based deformation, with modern Gaussian primitives, achieving state-of-the-art geometry reconstruction and rendering quality. Unlike previous avatar rendering approaches, SurFhead enables efficient reconstruction driven by Gaussian primitives while preserving high-fidelity geometry.
Method overview
Overall pipeline of SurFhead. Only from RGB videos, SurFhead constructs geometri-
cally accurate head avatars, equipped with our intricate deformations. The Jacobian J covers stretch
and shear deformations avoiding surface distortion. Moreover, the blended Jacobian Jb alleviates
inherent local deformations’ discontinuity. Finally, elaborated modeling of eyeballs such as preser-
vation of specularity and convexity achieves more realistic appearance and geometry.